The PANDAWA Beach: Hidden Paradise (The Latest Beach Are Popular in Bali)

Bored with the beaches that have you visited? Once upon a time try to visit beaches in Bali who made quite a stir because of his charm. Pandawa Beach its name.

The Pandawa beach located in South Bali, in the village of Kutuh, District of South Kuta, Badung regency, Bali. This beach formerly known as Secret Beach because of its location behind the high cliffs overgrown by shrubs.

This beach actually already been long found. However, because access roads are less well makes this beach empty of visitors.

See the potential beauty of the coast of the Pandavas, the Governments of Badung Regency does not stay silent, then made the road past the cliffs of the rugged Cliffs. Road with a length of 1.5 km is so unique because it is flanked by limestone cliffs are split.

How to Pandawa Beach?

Access fast enough can be via the Jimbaran or the Udayana University more precisely. Select the line near the Faculty of engineering the Udayana which will also pass through the hill area. We recommend that you use a motorcycle or a car to the beach. Because public transportation is difficult found in Bali.

But now access to The Pandawa Beach not so difficult anymore. The Pandawa Beach is one of the best destinations in Bali today. The color of its water are almost perfect and fine sand beaches make the visitors happy to linger on this beach.

When you are almost at the beach pandawa, you will be greeted by a statue of the Panca Pandawa (five Pandavas): Yudhishthira, Bhima, Arjuna, Nakula and Sadewa. They are the puppet characters in the story yuda Barata. Therefore, the locals make the puppet characters pandawa five names into the name of the beach.

The Beauty Of Nature And Activities At Pandawa Beach

If often watch the news about the island of Malibu Beach in the U.S, the Pandawa Beach could be said to have similarities. Then for entrance ticket to the Pandawa beach enough pay Rp 2.000 per person and for foreigners charged Rp 5.000 ($0.5).

If you want to relax and simply soak up the Sun on the beach, I recommend you toward left lane from the entrance of the beach, because there are two beach locations on the Pandawa. The right is also not less beautiful, there you can do water sports such as canoeing. canoe or small canoes can be used to explore the coast. The price of the rent is Rp 15.000 ($1.15). And Rp 10.000 ($0.7) to hire a lifebelt.

Around the coast are many people that offers water sports packages. For beginners, I recommend using lifebelt because the waves here are very toned.

Culinary And Souvenir in The Pandawa Beach

For food on the Pandawa Beach were not so expensive as in other beaches. So no need to worry will food prices here. If the evening, you can see local fishermen collecting seaweed brought waves to by the beach then they make food and so on.

If you want to buy handicrafts from surrounding communities are also available at a few places around the coast. Their usual knitting handmade crafts in the cottage near the beach on the right side.
