Natural and Cultural Beauty of Waigeo Island, West Papua, Indoensia

Waigeo island is one of the four largest islands in the Raja Ampat islands cluster. After 2 hours of the trip, you'll get Waisai, the capital of Raja Ampat located within the island of Waigeo, West Papua. When you visit the area of the Raja Ampat island, the island lies between Papua and Halmahera island is compulsory for you to visit.

1. The Island of South Waigeo

Tourist activity in the South of Waigeo has developed quite well because already there is a company which promotes tourism Raja Ampat and develop the area as a tourist destination, especially diving tourist. Tourist objects to visit in this area are the Kabui Bay and the Karst islands, the skull cave and historical sites of the Raja Ampat at kali Raja. Another interesting activity in Southern Waigeo is bird watching (Yenwaupnor and Sawinggrai), Salay dance (Saonek), and woven crafts (Arborek). In Arborek, the tourists can also dive to see hordes of manta (Stingray). In Sawandarek the tourists can enjoy the white sand beach, the Sea ducks, swimming/snorkelling and diving to enjoy the beauty of the coral no peerless. In Sawandarek there is also a traditional village which can be utilized for tourists to walk around and enjoy the atmosphere of a typical village.

2. The Island of North Waigeo

In the North of Waigeo there are Suling Tambur art (flute Trommel). This art is usually displayed at the time of the celebration of religious holidays, August 17, and welcomed the official visit/important people. In the great days of religion and national, usually done matches among village. Each arts team Suling Tambur of each village all over the North of Waigeo contested to see the team that can play the artistry of Suling Tambur most good and interesting. At a time like this the tourists usually visit the North Waigeo to enjoy a Suling Tambur art. Moreover, in the North of Waigeo there are several places that can be used as tourist sites i.e. caves relics of World War II, the underwater beauty, and cultural attractions the form of traditional dances.

3. The Island of West Waigeo

In West Waigeo tourists/visitors can doing dives activity (Selpele and Wayag). This location is very potential and has always been an interesting place to visit by liveaboard. Karst Islands in Wayag has a natural scenery is very interesting to be enjoyed.

4. The Island of East Waigeo

Interesting attractions that can be enjoyed in the East Waigeo is dances and Suling Tambur. Here, especially in front of the Urbinasopen Yesner village there are attraction of natural phenomena is a very interesting and unique, that can only be seen every end of the year, that is the light that comes out of the sea and swirling on the surface about 10 – 18 minutes, after it lost and can be seen again when the turn of the next year. Communities in both this village named this phenomenon as the "Ghosts of the sea".

Access to The Waigeo Island

To get to the Waigeo island. From the Domine Eduard Osok Airport (DEO) in Sorong, you need to use a taxi to reach the dock so you can use the transport ship. Travel by ship will take about 2-3 hours. But the airport of Sorong haven't serve international flights. So for foreign tourists who want to go to Sorong, we recommend through Jakarta, Manado and Makassar. In the previous articles have been described the access to the islands in Raja Ampat. ➤ Raja Ampat Island: Marine Tourism Paradise In The Province Of West Papua, Indonesian

For those of you who don't want to bother, you can use the speedboat rental services or long boat more exclusive and fast. Unlike General ship that serves only crossings each at 14:00 CEST, speedboat or longboat more flexible for pick up. Therefore, the costs for these facilities is not cheap.

Arriving at the  Sorong, then toward Raja Ampat can cross using Pinisi ship. To get into the area of Raja Ampat, everyone has to pay an entrance fee of Rp 250.000 for domestic tourists, and Rp 500.000 for tourists from foreign. A round pin that serves as this identity will we receive after paying those costs. Uniquely, this pin is valid for one year, from January 1 to December 31. So, if in a year we go back and forth to visit the Raja Ampat, only have to pay the entrance fee one time only. With the proviso that the pin should not be lost and we have to wear it as a badge.

Accommodation and Culinary

Around the island of Waigeo, there is a Pandawa Resort is very popular. This resort offers a variety of attractive cottage, offers gear and diving equipment. Besides the Pandawa Resort, there are other lodging options, among them: Talaip Homestay Kamar Raja Homestay, Najwa Indah lodging, Raja Ampat Dive Resort, etc. Besides renting out a five star resort, the island also provides a resort with standard price. For food that is in the resort are quite diverse, ranging from traditional to international food.

Activities at The Waigeo Island

You could do the activity of diving at the dive spots around the island. To do this activity you need to renting diving equipment at a cost ranging from Rp 350.000 (± $25). The better can you rentals at a price of about Rp 750.000 (± $57). With it, you can settle for exploring the underwater area which is rich with its various biota. If you just want to snorkel, you can rent a tool at the price of Rp 50.000 - Rp 150.000 (± $0.5 - $11).

That's the info that I can share. I hope this info is ease your journey to the Waigeo island. Thanks for reading.
